
Team ELMO: 

Encouraging Learning, Measurable Objectives

Julie Kling- Collaboration tool: Microsoft Sharepoint
Anna Wenninger- Reflection tool: Blogger
Lisa Anzalone- Exam or Quiz tool: ExamBuilder 
                In the article “Put Understandings First”,  Wiggins and McTighe (2008) suggest teaching for meaning and transfer involves a combination of the three instructional approaches Adler discussed in 1984: direct instruction, facilitation, and coaching.   Traditional classroom learning also known as f2f instruction is the classroom model with the teacher in front of the room pouring out knowledge to his/her students who are diligently taking notes.  In an online environment, the instructor does not have that face-to-face time unless the course is hybrid or blended with f2f and online course time.  In order to assist with the transfer of knowledge in a meaningful and effective way, the instructor needs to have his/her toolbox of online tools. 
                To help facilitate course discussion and communication, the instructor may make use of collaboration tools such as SharePoint.  SharePoint helps to manage course content but also helps in the sharing of that content between instructor and learners and among learners themselves.  The instructor can present instruction directly to learners by posting notes or audio clips but also facilitate instruction by encouraging learners to add additional resources they have found and participate in class online discussion boards. The instructor can also help coach learners as they provide feedback through graded assignments or quizzes that are posted in the SharePoint environment.
                To help with coaching, an instructor may also want to take advantage of specific exam or quiz tools such as ExamBuilder. ExamBuilder will help an instructor assess learners’ mastery of tests and quizzes created by this tool.   The exam tool may also be used to create surveys so that the instructor has feedback from the learners about not only course material but how the general learning environment is experienced by the student.   For example, a survey of learners may help shape direct instruction and facilitation as the instructor can ascertain what tools or course elements are or are not helping to increase learner understanding.
                To help with facilitation and learner-to-learner interaction, an instructor may also make use of reflection tools such as Blogger.  To directly communicate course materials, the instructor could post his/her lecture notes or presentations on Blogger. Learners could then respond or suggest additional resources as they post comments.   Group blogs could be created so that small groups of learners could share ideas and facilitate each other’s learning.  Learners could also have individual blogs that would assist instructors in learning individual student needs and thus help coach learners toward deeper understanding of course content. 
                Thank you for visiting the Team Elmo Toolbox.

Wiggins, W. & J. McTighe. (May 2008). Put understanding first. Educational Leadership: Reshaping High Schools, 65.8: 36-41.

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